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What's your favourite Wedding Tradition?

Zoe Davies

Wedding traditions of the British Isles

What is your favourite wedding tradition? Mine is “Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed and Something Blue”. I think its great how a number of people can be involved in this and be made to feel like a small part of the brides day. I love how some traditions are very present in a couples wedding, especially when some like to do it in their own way and add a little twist. I read not long ago about a groom who chose to have a watch instead of a ring, how fabulous!

This got me thinking about our closest neighbours. Do they have the same traditions as us or do they do anything to celebrate their weddings slightly differently?

Well I decided to take a look at the various traditions our green and pleasant land follows and found some gems.


A tradition common in Fife Dundee and Angus is feet washing.

The day before the wedding the Bride would have her feet washed and dried by

an older married women. Sometimes a ring would be dropped into the water and the lady who retrieved it would be married next, (I may pass on this one, feet water isn't my favourite).

If the groom would take part in this tradition he would be placed in a bath and his legs covered in grease, ash and soot (I hope they washed it off well for the wedding the following day).

Pinterest- Fly Away bride

A slightly more decorative tradition is from the Scottish borders the bride hides white heather within her wedding bouquet to bring luck and happiness in the marriage.

Photo- Pinterest-


Now this one is something I have never heard before and with them being so close I'm sad I have never witnessed this.

On the morning of the wedding traditionally the Brides family kidnaps and hides her. The groom and his family have to find the bride and the winning person who free’s her will be married within the year!

Photo- Pinterest- Rock My wedding

Another welsh tradition (one I also love), the wedding party walk together through the streets to the ceremony as a flower girl sprinkles the way with petals as a symbol of a happy route in life together for the couple, ahhhh!

Photo- Pinterest- The knot


The Claddagh Ring

A tradition that is still widely used today is the Claddagh ring. Passed down from mother to daughter and worn on the right hand before marriage and then used as her wedding ring. If the lady is still single when receiving the ring it is worn with the crown facing inward towards her wrist, once married it is placed with the crown outward facing towards the end of her finger. It is still to this day used as the brides wedding ring and is it is thought to be improper if a bride wears a ring that is not given as this gift.

Photo- Pinterest-

And finally one for the men! As Irish men were notorious for getting cold feet and pulling out of the wedding last minute, the guests now lock the door of the church once the groom is inside to make sure he goes through with the ceremony.

Photo- Pinterest- Love My Dress

Which traditions would you love to include in your wedding, and have these given you a little idea to adopt any new ones ?

Happy Planning


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